I Love You Tomoriru πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

A few days ago I was chatting with my friends and we were talking about this new Anime Series that we are watching called Chainsaw Man and how great Tomoriru is at voicing Makima and proving to all the haters that they are wrong and she's the right one for the job cause seriously the girl didn't seem to catch a break from those haters complaining her voice is too soft for Makima and wanted a veteran seiyuu with a more mature and a mommy voice just like Sawashiro Miyuki, Hikasa Yoko, Hanazawa Kana or Hayami Saori to voice Makima and even go as far as petitioning to remove her in the series but thankfully she got the role of Makima. Then just when I woke from a short nap came across such bad news that she's stepping down in her role as Yuki Setsuna in the Love Live franchise next year on March 31, 2023, since way back in September way before the airing of Chainsaw Man she was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and even explained before that she has a Hypermobile Joint Condition where her joints are too stretchy and often dislocate. Although she's not retiring as a seiyuu and she can still voice characters from different series except Idol and Musical Projects that require live performances like dancing since her condition will eventually affect her as she gets older. Though there's no known cure for EDS she can still do some management and a healthy lifestyle. I feel so sad when I hear news about young talents that are being robbed of their ability to perform due to some health reasons. She's just 22 and has a lot of great things to come in her career, then this happened. To Tomoriru take care always, I will still support you and look forward to your upcoming roles in other series and will have lots of great moments listening to your beautiful voice and will never ever get tired of it. I love you. 


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